Urban Solutions


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Urban Solutions needed some more solid job applications to fill their team. The jobs available ranged from civil engineers to landscape architects. They brought us on to utilise our experience with Social Targeting, along with our Google Ad expertise which combined helped find the best possible candidates.

The Approach

We decided to take an integrated approach for the work with Urban Solutions. We knew that Google Ads would be a key platform to utilise to find users who are actively searching for jobs in the area (i.e. users searching phrases such as “civil engineering jobs in Auckland”. We performed extensive keyword research with the aim of finding out the typical user behaviour on search engines within this particular market. From this, we built out a successful ad account and targeted 4 different job types using Google Ads. 

Given the highly targeted nature of this project, along with Google Ads, we thought we would also put our LinkedIn experience to good use and run a social awareness and lead generation campaign. LinkedIn, much like other social networks, allows you to hyper target users based on a variety of factors. Urban Solutions had a list of requirements that potential candidates must meet, for example:

Years of experience



Skill profile

As LinkedIn is a professional platform we knew that it would allow us to filter our audience to the exact requirements of the client. This made each and every click highly relevant. Once we built our in network audience profiles, we strategised and created a bespoke marketing campaign using sponsored updates along with sponsored inmails. We knew that as LinkedIn is a social platform, the user may not be in the exact mindset for applying for a new job as they would be on the Google Ads side of the campaign, therefore we needed to be clever with our creative and resonate immediately with the users we targeted. We chose to focus our advert messaging on the major ‘pain points’ that a typical civil engineer/landscape architect/surveyor etc. would face in day to day life. We would then combat this by displaying the benefits and work life balance Urban Solutions offer. 

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